Here’s What Your Fertility Specialist Wants You To Know

Here's What Your Fertility Specialist Wants You To Know

The fertility rate among Indians has dropped by over 50% from 1975-80 to 2015-2020, according to a World Population Prospects report. So, if you’ve been trying to conceive for some time now with no success, it is probably a good idea to meet fertility specialist. If the prospect of meeting such a specialist overwhelms you, just remember these two things: It’s natural to feel anxious and you are not alone.

Here are a few things the best fertility doctors in Bangalore would want you to understand to help you overcome emotional and physical challenges.

Not Gender Specific
Infertility has no gender bias. Both male and female partners can be equally responsible. Unfortunately, in India, women are mostly held responsible and shunned when a couple fails to conceive. However, in reality, male factors contribute as high as 50% of all infertility cases. These include poor semen quality, low sperm count and abnormal morphology. There’s no point blaming anyone because it’s not anyone’s fault. Infertility is a condition and there are solutions available. It is best to get yourself and your partner tested at the earliest.

Expenses Vary

Not all fertility treatments are a financial blow. The expenses related to consultation, treatment process and follow ups are specific to the health condition of the individuals involves. Ovarian stimulation, donor eggs, trigger shots and frozen sperms can spike up the cost of the treatment. Also, if you are opting for high-tech treatments instead of taking fertility pills, the overall cost could be higher. However, infertility treatments vary from state to state.

Infertility Misconceptions

One common myth about infertility is that stress prevents pregnancy. There is no evidence of anxiety, depression or stress impairing the reproductive process. Although age is a critical factor, most women above 35 years are capable of conceiving. Therefore, age is also not an insurmountable factor. Lastly, contrary to popular belief, being on birth control pills for too long will not lead to infertility.

Success Rate

The best fertility doctors in Bangalore will tell you honestly that IVF and IUI are generally successful, but not always so. The success rate depends on multiple factors, including age, lifestyle choices, egg and sperm quality, former pregnancies and fertility complications. Other significant factors are embryo health and uterine receptivity. However, up to 42% women of all ages usually conceive after two to three cycles of IVF. Therefore, you need to be realistic, yet don’t let your optimism fade.

Not Genetic

Infertility does not run in the family. Even if your parents and grandparents have conceived naturally, you may not be guaranteed the same. The major causes of infertility are damaged fallopian tubes, chromosomally abnormal eggs, reduced sperm count and blocked sperm tubes. These depend on individual factors and are not hereditary.

Last, but not the least, all fertility specialists want you to know that infertility is not a social stigma. Find a healthy outlet for your feelings, avoid blaming yourself and deal with your emotions well. It is a good idea to be honest with your partner and reestablish any lost intimacy. These are the healthy ways to move forward in the fertility journey.

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