5 Ways to Enhance the Chances of IUI Success?

5 Ways to Enhance the Chances of IUI Success?

IVF is the most popular assisted reproductive technology. But IUI is another useful treatment worth considering. The live birth rate per session is usually between 5% to 15%. It often goes beyond 20% at times. IUI can help treat both male and female fertility. A syringe is used to insert the sperm directly into the uterus. The goal is to ease the process of sperm and egg fusion to achieve pregnancy. The insemination takes a few minutes. No risks of miscarriage or other severe complications have been reported.

The success rate of IUI depends on sperm count, couple age and tubal patency. Visiting the best fertility doctor in Hyderabad can further enhance the chances of conception. This can be made possible through fertility counselling and a post-IUI care plan. Have a look at a few personal measures you can take at home.

1. Sexual Dos and Don’ts

Semen quality and volume are important during IUI. Each spermatozoon has a lifespan of a week. So, try to avoid ejaculation for 3 days before the process. But penetrative sex is highly encouraged after the sperm transfer. The uterus begins to contract and pushes the sperm towards the fallopian tube. This can boost the chances of pregnancy.

2. Prenatal Vitamins

These can prepare the body for pregnancy. DHEA and Coenzyme Q10 are prescribed supplements that are excellent in improving fertility. It has a positive influence on the IUI process. But do consult the doctor before consuming pills or tablets. This can help you pick the ones that are less likely to interfere with the pregnancy process.

3. Start Moving

Physical activities are recommended after every fertility treatment. They can make a major difference to the outcome. Stay active by swimming, yoga, brisk walking, running, trekking and jogging. They can keep the body in good shape overall. If you feel going out could be risky for you, simply avoid being stationary for long. Take part in household activities like dusting or vacuuming to ensure movement.

4. Balanced Meal

The best fertility doctor suggests nutritious diets. Put plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fat, full-fat dairy and whole grains on your plate. These can promote the overall well-being of bother mother and baby. Avoid carbohydrates and highly processed foods. Don’t forget to drink at least 6-7 glasses of water every day to keep yourself from dehydration. All of this combined can create a foetus friendly environment.

5. Hormone Stimulation

Trigger shots are recommended to stimulate the ovaries. This can help produce 2-3 viable eggs for the IUI process. You can ask your doctor for hormonal support. It can increase the chances of a successful IUI treatment. This is extremely important post IUI too for anyone living with endometriosis and PCOD.

Taking extra care will not assure pregnancy. But it can increase the chances to achieve motherhood. Do your research well, avoid smoking and do things that make you happy and content. In case IUI fails after the 3rd attempt, consider shifting to IVF or ICSI.