Easy yet effective tips to get reduce back pain during pregnancy

Easy yet effective tips to get reduce back pain during pregnancy

You are reading this means there is good news and the baby bump is causing back pain. Well, it’s no wonder. Pregnancy and back pain go hand in hand.

Pregnancy is an exciting time for both expectant mothers and her family.  Preparing to bring a new life into the world is not an easy thing at all. Pregnancy usually comes with unexpected complications like nausea, swollen feet, fatigue and many more. Back pain and spasms are one of the biggest complaints. Almost 70-80% of women complain about back pains, especially during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of their pregnancy. Certainly, the baby is growing and this is what we expect to be, but it can be really tough on the back sometimes. However, understanding the causes of pain and ways to alleviate back pain will give you some relief.

What are the causes of back pain in pregnancy?

  • Weight Gain- During a healthy pregnancy, you gain weight, your baby grows and this changes your center of gravity. This can make back muscles tight and painful. The spine needs to support the growing weight. This can lead to lower back pain. The increasing weight of the fetus and uterus adds to the burden on the pelvic and back nerves and blood vessels.
  • Change in the posture- shift in the center of gravity makes you adjust your posture unknowingly. Stretched abdominal muscles and growing uterus make it difficult for you to maintain proper alignment.
  • Hormone changes- during pregnancy, your body prepares you for the childbirth.  It releases a ligament softening hormone called relaxin that relaxes ligaments in the pelvic area and causes your joints to move more than usual. This can cause additional strain on your back and pelvic area.
  • Muscle separation may worsen back pain.
  • Emotional stress is one of the causes of muscle tension in the back, which causes back spasm and back pain.

How to reduce back pain during pregnancy?

  • Exercise- Regular exercise will help strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility and overall fitness. It will ease the stress on your spine. This will prove beneficial to carry the extra weight of that growing baby. This will avoid back pain. You can consult your doctor and ask him about safe exercises such as swimming, walking, which are right for you to do during pregnancy.
  • Heat and Cold- Applying heat and cold compresses can help alleviate back pain. You can talk to your health care provider about this. Remember, consult the expert and follow his instructions carefully. Never apply heat to your abdomen during pregnancy.  
  • Maintain good posture- Maintaining proper posture while standing, sitting, working, or sleeping will help reduce back pain.
  • Counseling works well in case of back pain related to stress.
  • Applying pain-relief sprays or balms can be one of the ways to ease your pain. Talk to your doctor about the best and safe creams that you can use during pregnancy.

Truly, pregnancy is a lovely miracle of life. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, follow the above tips and you will surely be able to embrace it beautifully. Enjoy this truly wonderful time in your life.